Thursday, June 07, 2007

Yale Does It Again

Roomba has never been one of my favorite local restaurants, but it was one of the pioneers of New Haven's much-touted Restaurant Renaissance. Plus, I like their burritos, sold from three carts around town. And when I say that I "like" them, I mean it as in "I like to breathe."

Now they're closing over a dispute with their Yale landlords.

If this means no more pork-with-everything burritos, there will be Hell. To. Pay.


At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously...lets write a letter. this is outrageous. they are forcing the closing of an excellent successful restaurant. what is their problem? I think Yale Properties is run by IDIOTS.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Meh. said...

I had heard this, actually. And how he was now focusing on Bespoke.

BTW, I went to Marlow and Sons last night. It was quite good. Have you been?

At 11:24 PM, Blogger zoe p. said...

In my new life as a New Havenite, I read about this Roomba ousting in the New Haven Advocate.

Just a few pages down from a weird Yale ad about how much $$$ they've invested in the town. Struck a tone somewhere between "Please don't hate us" and/because "we own you."

In my old life as a tourist in New Haven I had drinks and dessert at Roomba and didn't love it. For what that's worth.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Mrs. Delicious said...

zp, Roomba wasn't/isn't great, but go get one of those burritos at the carts before they're gone. Get the pork one.

Burke, yes, we do like Marlow & Sons as well. And also Diner, although the last time we were there, the bartender refused to make Andy a mint julep without lime in it. It was like a bourbon mojito. Disgusting.


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