Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Last Night of my Roaring 20s

Tomorrow I turn 30. I never thought that I attached much significance to my age, until I realized that tonight was the last night that I could honestly type "29" into the age question on the machines at the gym. And then I didn't go to the gym -- I went for beers with Tom, and then with Andy and Michele and Burke to the new David Cronenberg flick. Tonight's dinner is Scotch and veggie corn dogs from Trader Joe's (with pear mostarda). The last meal of my second decade! And a delicious one at that. I'll write about whatever birthday dinner surprise Andy has in store for me tomorrow. After I take the day off work and go eat breakfast at my favorite breakfast place in America (O'Rourke's in Middletown), and hang out at the beach with two New Yorkers, one Harper's, and a six-pack of Diet Coke.


At 1:04 PM, Blogger Mona said...

Today's my brother's birthday too!
What's it like turning 30? Weird? Different? I just turned 26, kind of a weird in between age. Not 25 not 27. I think 27 sounds way cooler, but not as cool as 30!
Enjoy your birthday!

At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the land of no-business-hours access to internet, happy birthday, one day late, of course.

So what fantastic meal did you have? I'll need cake specifics.

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Mrs. Delicious said...

Mona, when I was younger, 27 was always my DREAM AGE. I always, always wanted to be 27. It sounded so glamorous. 30 is somewhat.... less glamorous. But I thrill to the prospect of being able to say that I am Thirty and Dirty.


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